How to check if someone is using my identity?

Certain indicators could indicate that you’re a victim of identity theft. It’s a good idea to watch for those indicators so you can act quickly and take action to help minimize the damage

  1. Getting notice about withdrawals from your bank account that you didn’t make.
  2. Denials for loan applications
  3. Debt collection calls for accounts you didn't open
  4. Bills for items you didn't buy
  5. You see unfamiliar accounts or charges on your credit report.
  6. You receive medical bills for services you didn’t receive.
  7. A health plan won’t insure you because your medical records indicate a condition you don’t have.
  8. The IRS notifies you that more than one tax return was filed in your name, or that you have income from an employer you don’t work for.
  9. You find unfamiliar accounts or charges on your credit report.
  10. Medical providers bill you for services you didn’t use.

You can learn how to make protecting yourself from identity thieves part of your daily routine. Check out these 10 warning signs of identity theft. They don’t all point directly to identity theft, but each is an indicator that something could be or is a miss, and you should take note or action if one rings a bell for you